Turkey & Syria Earthquake Appeal
As the full horror of the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria becomes apparent, we at St Magnus join with other Christians around the world praying for those affected by this unimaginable tragedy. Our Primus, the Most Revd Mark Strange, said: “We pray for those who have died, we pray for those who have been injured, and we pray for the responders who are attempting to rescue others. We pray also for the international community as it strives to offer timely support where needed, and that political issues in the region do not cause blockages to relief work.”
For the next two Sundays at St Magnus’ we invite all who are able to contribute to an offering in aid of the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) appeal for Turkey and Syria. A plate will be at the back of the church on Sundays 12th and 19th February. Any amount, however small or large will be welcome by those providing relief.